Our innovation systematically generates data marts and discovery analytics over the EMR. inProcess Data Factory automatically lays down a data pipeline from healthcare data sources to curated data models over which discovery analytics are published. Service area and LOB users customize the analytics with their rules and logic. BI users extend the data model to incorporate local as well as public sources such as CMS. As a result, curated questions and answers are readily available for clinical, quality, operations, and leadership. We publish a single source of truth for all departments and locations.
inProcess CDW Benefits
Self-service to all your clinical data
Cross-functional collaboration
Unified response for each patient
Easy to deploy; you will be up and running in days
HIPAA compliant
Managed Services by IPC Global
Online support and training

Questions and Answers in near real-time:
Clinical services teams want to see acuity volumes and LOS throughout the continuum of care.
Strategy wants to know where our community is most vulnerable by social determinants of health.
Operations team wants to plan for utilization of resources as cases move through the system.
Supply chain wants to manage forecasted demand as it evolves day by day.
inProcess CDW solution runs on AWS
inProcess Data Factory features a suite of inSight and Discovery applications, over 100 in total. The inSight collection has actionable dashboards, analytics, and reports. Discovery applications enable users to find and analyze virtually any healthcare record created. Billions of records and thousands of fields are prepared for clinical, operational, and financial users alike.
AWS VPC for each health system is a secure, scalable, and reliable environment for our innovation. Encrypted data is initiated via CLI and stored in S3, then processed and presented on EC2 to a user browser on any device.

Patient Population Insight
Access to every record in real-time from the EMR data warehouse is now possible. Patient Population Insight is a published set of clinical and operational dashboards, analytics, and reports over the networked database model providing real-time analytics.
Our solution is engineered for some of the most popular EMRs software. inProcess Data Factory is a network database model over the sources such as EPIC, Cerner, and AllScripts EMR data warehouses. Its distinguishing feature is that the schema, viewed as a graph in which object types are nodes and relationship types are arcs, is not restricted to a hierarchy or lattice.
Our networked database is extensible. We have included CMS LOS/CMI and H-CUP CCSR data to benchmark and group patient encounters. Discover patients that cross registries, locations, providers, and payors. Map a patient’s health journey in detail from beginning to end. Diagnosis, Labs, Orders, and Flow-sheet details are presented plainly and simply.
ED through to Discharge CMI and LOS Insights
Managed care to the desired outcome for each patient by informing resources across lines of business. Understand volume and capacity in each location, forecast LOS across the continuum of care, and model scenarios that warrant new protocols in planning and execution. Throughput monitoring is a key inpatient function and requires communication and coordination, informed by insights.
CMS benchmarks inform our performance metrics. Outliers are easily visualized so that action can be taken by clinicians and management alike. Our inProcess Data Factory solutions present a single source of truth and enable leadership and professionals to lead and perform at their very best.
