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ED and Surgery Performance: “Optimizing Resources with Better Insight into Demand”

Data analytics and statistics are important tools for healthcare emergency room and surgery performance because they help healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about patient care and resource allocation.

Data analytics involves using advanced technology to collect, analyze, and interpret large sets of data. In emergency rooms and surgery centers, this could mean examining patient records, vital signs, and treatment outcomes to identify patterns and trends that can inform clinical decision-making.

Statistics is the branch of mathematics that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical data. Healthcare professionals use statistical analysis to gain insights into clinical data, such as identifying factors that contribute to patient wait times or predicting the likelihood of post-surgical complications.

Together, data analytics and statistics help healthcare emergency room and surgery professionals to better understand their patients' needs, identify areas for improvement in clinical workflows, and develop strategies to optimize performance and patient outcomes. By leveraging data-driven insights, healthcare professionals can make more informed decisions about patient care, ultimately improving the quality of care and reducing costs.


Resource optimization for operating rooms (OR) and emergency departments (ED) is a critical piece of the puzzle for driving down healthcare costs while improving patient outcomes and satisfaction. The key is to accurately assess demand. When you underestimate demand, patient wait times go up and satisfaction goes down – along with perceptions of care quality. When you overestimate demand, you drive up costs by wasting supplies and medication – and by underutilizing clinical staff. In a world where hospitals are increasingly under pressure from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 to improve the quality of care delivery, striking the right balance is all too important. This requires constant, real-time insight into demand so that you can develop plans and modify them according to evolving circumstances in order to maximize resource utilization.


QlikView and the partner community have built a number of ‘QlikView Apps’ to help healthcare organizations like yours seize every opportunity to improve OR and ED performance. With QlikView, you can:

  • Assess historical data and analyze demand to maximize the use of facilities such as OR, ED, ICU, and patient beds

  • More effectively schedule equipment, staff, specialists, and patient tests to drive efficiencies and maximize quality

  • Monitor patient census fluctuations and adjust staffing requirements while taking account of parameters such as staff vacations, sick days, holidays, family leave, weather emergencies, retirements, etc.

  • Maximize supply chain efficiencies to ensure the availability of all medical supplies

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